Auction Catalog

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$100 to

MCS Donor

$100 to

$100 to

$100 to

Domino Farms Petting Farm

Domino Farms Petting Farm

One Family Membership to the Petting Farm at Domino Farms.  The one year membership allows admission to all the family members listed at one address.

One Family Membership to the Petting Farm at Domino Farms.  The one year membership allows admission to all the family members listed at one address.

One Family Membership to the Petting Farm at Domino Farms.  The one year membership allows admission to all the family members listed at one address. $100

Dave & Jo Kuhnle

Select your hotel from Hotel. com

Select your hotel from Hotel. com

Select your hotel from Hotel. com

USS Silversides Submarine Museum

USS Silversides Submarine Museum

Four passes to USS Silversides

Four passes to USS Silversides

Four passes to USS Silversides